Product information

Product information
Name:Xmotor XM5050EA-6
Category:ELECTRIC MOTORS > Brushless > Air > Dualsky > EA >
Price:116,58€ pc  
Item No:1759
Delivery status:in stock at supplier
Product information:Motor for models of the .55-.65 2-takt, max. .82 4-stroke class Diameter 49mm, length 48mm, weight 293g, max. power (15s) 1240W, 710KV
Product photo

Motors summary table (PDF)


Improved front cover, better heat dissipation
Rotor with more beautiful star design
Increased the rigidity of the rotor and shell, reduce vibration, can withstand more loads.
Adopt tile magnets with higher grade
Higher efficiency laminations
Reduce the air gap of the stator and rotor, increase efficiency
Thicker high temperature enameled wire, improved insulation and impact resistance
Compare EA with CA at same level, the power increased 10-20%, and efficiency increased 3-5%.
More options for KV value, suitable for practical use
Add XM2838EA, XM4255EA which models CA do not have.
Motor mounting holes and shaft diameter compatible with CA Series
Accessories compatible with the CA series (except for new models)
8mm propeller mount with the thinner threads, propeller not easy to loose.


Description:  XM5050EA-6 
KV:   710RPM/V
Alias(Stator diameter, Magnet length):  4120 
Weight:  293g
Diameter:  49mm
Length:  48mm
Diameter of Shaft:  6.0mm
Mounting holes pitch:  30/30mm
Slots,Poles:  12,14 
Idle Current(Io) @10V:  3.3A
Resistance(Ri):  12mOhm
Cruising power[8 mins]:  682W
Bursts current[15s]:  84A
Peak power[15s]:  1240W
Recommended ESC:  XC8018BA 
Setup 1(No. of Cell, Prop.):  4S, 15x6 
Setup 2(No. of Cell, Prop.):  N/A 
Max. weight of sport models:  3.4kg
Max. weight of 3D models:  2.3kg
Memo:  ".55-.65 2-stroke Up to .82 4st"