Product information

Product information
Name:Engine cowl Aggressor NEW VERSION
Category:ACCESSORIES > Engine cowls >
Price:44,00€ pc  
Item No:02026N-9
Delivery status:in stock
Product information:fiberglass white gelcoated. New version for fuselage with the offset motor mount.
Product photo

High quality fiberglass hollow moulded cowl.

Spare part for models

Name: Aggressor
Price: 699,00€ vložit zboží do košíku
Delivery status: 1 week
Artistic - aerobatics. Wingspan 1.99 m.
Aggressor (uncovered kit - ready to cover)02026ARC
Name: Aggressor (uncovered kit - ready to cover)
Price: 550,00€ vložit zboží do košíku
Delivery status: 1 week
Artistic - aerobatics. Wingspan 1.99 m.