Product information

Product information
Name:Servo KST BLS825
Category: > KST >
Price:86,75€ pc  
Item No:3233
Delivery status:in stock at supplier
Product photo
Servo BLS825 can provide extreme high torque and speed.
The servo speed is moderate, so that the demand on the power supply is lower.

Motor BLDC, alu case, metal gears, 2 BB

 6V - 8,4V
 40,5x20x37 mm
 70 grams
 Torque 6V  25 kgcm
 Speed 6V  0,15 sec/60
 Torque 7,4V
 30 Ncm
 Speed 7,4V
 0,13 sec/60
 Torque 8,4V
 35 Ncm
 Speed 8,4V
 0,11 sec/60

Control frequency:  333 Hz
Pulse width: 900 - 1520 - 2100 us

Servo KST survey
Gears compatibility